“La tentation crématoire. Les innovations et expérimentations crématoires de l’Armée française en Première Guerre mondiale”, University of Aix-Marseille, 4 April 2023.
“The League of Red Cross Societies in the aftermath of WWI: a new, revolutionary, and global approach to medical care and humanitarianism for the Red Cross world?”, Seminar presentation for The University of Manchester’s History Seminar “New approaches to medical care, humanitarianism and violence during the ‘long’ Second World War, 1931-1953”. December 2021. (invited). DP190101171.
“The French Red Cross and French Foreign Policy, 1919-1928”, Seminar Series, Flinders University, March 2021.
““N‘oublions jamais l‘Australie” Australian War Narratives in France”, Centre for Australian Studies, University of Cologne, Germany, June 2020 (invited).
“When the war is over. Burying the war dead in 1919”. Globalising and Localising the Great War Seminar, University of Oxford, January 2018. (invited)
“Understanding the French-Australian Relationship: Imperial preferences and economic partnerships in the aftermath of the First World War”. War and Society Seminar, UNSW/ADFA, November 2017. (invited)
“Entertainment at the Australians Graves Detachment”. Seminar Series, Flinders University, May 2017. (invited)
Academic Conferences
“‘Now what is there to do?’. The 1919 Cannes medical conference and the future of the Red Cross movement”, AHA annual conference, Deakin University, 28 June 2022.
“Scientific progress, new technologies and body disposal in the First World War: the case study of cremation”, for the annual conference of the Centre for Death and Society, University of Bath, 8 June 2021.
“Exhumer, identifier, réenterrer. Les expériences sensibles d’un régiment d’enterrement des corps, 1919“ for the “Corps et Guerre“ conference, Université Paris-II Panthéon Assas, 19 & 20 December 2019.
“The Proselytization of Australian Memory in the Somme and the New Sir John Monash Centre” for the “New Voices in the History of War II” conference, All Souls College, University of Oxford, 12 July 2019.
“A French Perspective on Australian Military History in the Somme” for the “Beyond Villers-Bretonneux 1918-2019” conference, UNSW/ADFA, 26 & 27 April 2019. (invited)
“Commemorating the deeds of the Empire: a constant negotiation. The Imperial War Graves Commission in the aftermath of the Great War” for the “Empire, Armistice and Aftermath” conference, Nanyang University, Singapore, 5-7 December 2018.
“Creating records for the future. Commemorating commemorations in Northern France since the 2000s” for the International Society for First World War Studies’ conference, Deakin University, 9-11 July 2018.
“La Mission française en Australie de 1918. Attentes irréalisables, occasion manquée ou incompréhension mutuelle?” for the George Rudé Seminar in French History and Civilisation, ANU, 4-7 July 2018.
“Tending to the dead: the Australian war graves detachment, 1919-1921” for the “Beyond Combat – History and the Military’s Other Tasks” conference, UNSW/ADFA, 13-14 July 2017.
“Burying the Dead, Entertaining the living. The Australian War Graves Detachment, 1919” for the “Entangled History” conference, the Australian Historical Association’s (AHA) conference, The University of Newcastle, 3-7 July 2017.
“On the necessity of internationalising Australian military history of the First World War: Villers-Bretonneux as a case study” for the “New Directions in War and History: Debating Military History” conference held at the ANU, jointly organised by the Strategic & Defence Studies Centre (ANU) and the Australian Centre for the Study of Armed Conflict and Society (UNSW/ADFA), 4 and 5 February 2016 (bursary).
“An official narrative of war: DVA-sponsored Anzac in the Somme (France) under the Hawke and Keating Governments” for the Narratives of War Symposium, held at UNISA on 19-20 November 2015 in Adelaide.
“Engaging with the founding fathers: Australians’ Commemorative Patterns at Villers-Bretonneux military cemeteries from 1990 to Today” at the Australian Historical Association’s annual conference, The University of Sydney, 7 July 2015 (bursary).
“A School Or Nothing: Victoria’s Department Of Education And Post-war Aid To Villers-Bretonneux”, at the Australian Historical Association’s 33rd annual conference, the University of Queensland, 10 July 2014.
“‘Connecting Spirits’. The commemorative patterns of an Australian school group in Northern France”, 31st Annual conference of the Australian Historical Association (AHA) held at the University of Adelaide, 11 July 2012 (bursary).
“Pratiques et discours commémoratifs australiens à Villers-Bretonneux des années 1990 à nos jours” for the conference Den Krieg Neu Denken? Neue quellen und methoden zur geschichtsschreibung des ersten Weltkriegs at, Goethe-Universität and organised by the Institut français d’histoire en Allemagne in Frankfurt. 25 October 2014. [translation: Australian commemorative practices and narratives at Villers-Bretonneux from the 1990s to today]
“Exposer la Grande Guerre au musée-mémorial national australien. Le refus de la modernité au service de la fondation d'origines sacrées” at Séminaire Arts et Sociétés – Guerres et Paix, Sciences Po and Fondation de France, Paris. 22 October 2014. [translation: Displaying the Great War at the Australian War Memorial. The refusal of modernity at the service of the foundation of sacred origins]
“Commémoration, identité et extraterritorialité: étude d'un groupe scolaire australien dans la Somme” at the seminar “The Great War Today” organised by Anne Hertzog and Nicolas Offenstadt under the aegis of the DMPA, Ministry for Defence, Paris, January 2013. [translation: Commemoration, identity and extraterritoriality: study of an Australian school group in the Somme region]
“‘A piece of Australia in France’: Australian authorities and the commemoration of Anzac Day at Villers-Bretonneux in the last decade” for the symposium Politics of the Past organised by the Centre for European Studies, ANU (Canberra). 26 April 2012.
Round Table
Memorial Policy and Commemoration” with Joseph Zimet and Caroline Winter at the “Beyond Villers-Bretonneux 1918-2019” conference, UNSW/ADFA, 26 & 27 April 2019. (invited)
“Reflections on the commemoration of the Great War” with Professor Colin Nettelbeck and Elizabeth Rechniewski for the Colloquium of the Institute for the Study of French Australian Relations, University of Adelaide, 27 September 2018. (invited).
Conference Organising
Co-organiser with Professors Melanie Oppenheimer, Susanne Schech, Neville Wylie and Dr. Rosemary Cresswell of the conference The League of Red Cross Societies: Historical Perspectives, 1919-91, hosted by the IFRC, Geneva, 14-16 June 2023
Co-organiser with Professors Guillaume Piketty, Paul-André Rosental, Melanie Oppenheimer and Davide Rodogno of the international conference The Red Cross Movement, Voluntary Organisations and Reconstructions in Western Europe in the 20th Century, supported by Flinders University and the Centre d’Histoire de Sciences Po, December 2020, postponed to 14-15 June 2021. [DP190101171]
Co-organiser with Associate Professors Andrekos Varnava and Michael J. K. Walsh, and Dr Margaret Hutchison of the international conference Empire, Armistice and Aftermath: The British Empire at the ‘End’ of the Great War, supported by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and Flinders University, Australia, held in Singapore, 5-7 December 2018.
Organiser of the international conference South Australians in France, supported by Flinders University, The Department of Premier and Cabinet, Veterans SA, The French Embassy to Australia, the Mission du Centenaire, held in Adelaide on 22 and 23 February 2018.