Photo: Wheat Field with Cypresses, Van Gogh, MET. Credits: Romain Fathi

HIST1203 Australians at War

HIST3007 Crimes of the Flesh: Sex and 'Deviance' in Australian History

HIST7057 Making History: Current Directions in Historiography

HIST2075 The Real Games of Thrones, 1453-1789

HIST3046 The Great War: A Global History

HIST1803 'The Lucky Country'? Australia and the World since 1939

HIST1703 Turning Points in World History

HIST3001 Destination Australia. Migration Since 1901

TOPIC COORDINATOR - Flinders University

Leadership Roles:

  • Discipline Lead for History, 2022

  • Major Convenor 2019-21;

  • Director of Studies 2018-19; 

HIST3302: The City in History

HIST2312: The History Makers

HIST1601: Turning Points in World History

HIST1201: Australian History - Current Issues in Historical Perspective

LTCS2024: Francophone Cultures

Lecturer and Tutor - The University of Queensland (2013-2016)

HIST263: Eastern Europe to 1914

Teaching Fellow - Yale University (2014)

DHIS1980A: A Global History of the Great War

Course Coordinator – Sciences Po Paris(2013)

Flinders Supervision Registrar (Since 2017)

Flinders Foundations of University Teaching (March to July 2017)

UQ Certificate of University Teaching Practice (March to June 2013)

UQ Tutor Training Program (February to March 2013)

Training in Education